Why us

Why choose the products of ZAI ,
Why support Bulgarian manufacturer


  • ZAI has recognized traditions since 1962.
  • ZAI is certified under ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSA 18001. In 2016, ZAI applied and expect to receive the highest quality certificate – oSa. This allows all the customers to participate in public tenders and contracts.
  • ZAI is the only producer in Bulgaria, which produces and sells high-speed reinforced abrasive tools for cutting and grinding as well as ceramic discs up to 900 mm.
  • ZAI sells without intermediaries and provides sales conditions as noone importer or manufacturer offers on the Bulgarian market. Moreover, ZAI helds 100% control of the tools and certifies for their safety.
  • ZAI is able to produce specialized products according to customers recipes, labels as well as packaging.
  • ZAI controls 100% of its raw material and ensures its customers for quality and origin.
  • During the last few years ZAI invested in new production machines and only ZAI has automatic presses with high performance. ZAI has invested in machineries and equipment over 2 million euro.
  • More than 65% of ZAI’s sales are in Western Europe.
  • By the end of 2016 ZAI will have a capacity of over 1 million discs per month.
  • ZAI pursues a strategic technological development to 2020, related to R&D in new machinery and equipment.
  • During the year of 2013 ZAI created a modern laboratory for testing of finished products by purchasing a machine only of its kind in Bulgaria.